76th Republic Day was celebrated in Mahatma Gandhi Centenary Vidyalaya with patriotic zeal and fervor. The day started with Mathru vandhanam. Mrs Karthikeyini – Department of Tamil hoisted the National Flag and addressed the gathering by highlighting the importance of Parents and teachers in mentoring the students.
The school choir sang patriotic songs. Class X students marched showcasing the discipline, co-ordination, and unity.
Dr Gayathri Mathrubootham addressed the audience by emphasizing the importance of Unity , happiness and success.
Mrs Karthikeyini – Department of Tamil shared thoughts by highlighting the importance of Parents and teachers in mentoring the students.
Student of Class 8 – U K Vaibhavi spoke about the Indian Constitution in English, Lakshika U K of Class 6 gave Tamil speech about Republic day leaders, Student of Class 4 Soumya Gupta delivered about Gantantra Diwas in Hindi.
Mrs Deepika J – Department of Social Science talked about the significance of January 26th, 1950, when India adopted its constitution and became a republic. She also emphasized the role of teachers in nurturing the students’ future.
Mrs Karthikeyini – Department of Tamil distributed prizes to the speakers.
Mrs Kumudini was the MC of the function and proposed Vote of Thanks Students of our Vidyalaya took pride in glorifying and celebrating the spirit of unity.







